Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Zen and the Art of the Personal Call

Some of the fine people at work think I’m crazier than usual – coming back when spring has leapt it’s way forward like Castro’s Revolution, but I insist I’m quite sane.

“Milk it John, I would.”

It’s only part time so there isn’t much time for stress or bother - before I know it I’m bailing for home and the fine array of East York lovelies sequestered here.

I rode my bike to work today. I’m guessing it’s about 13KM each way, fortunately very little of it “upstairs” with the steel chariots. I go down into Taylor Creek through the woods to Don Mills, where I wind my way south on the Don Valley Trail to the stairs, and up to Queen Street. At my peak, (pre-tumour), the one-way trip took about 35 minutes. This is the same amount of time the TTC would take by the way, and today took only 10 minutes longer headed downtown. Coming back took a wee bit longer as it’s uphill.

As my seasoned neighbour Ziggy might say in his well-established Polish accent, “Johnny, ta-kken eeazy….”

The PL Rangers held a groovy “Welcome Back” Potluck today – needless to say, most of us ate too much before waddling back to our seats to while away the calories on “personal calls”. Yum!

Note to Self: I have to make sure I don’t get too frustrated with my level of progress, make sure I remember how lucky I am, and exercise the appropriate patience.

Zen and the art of the personal call, isn’t that right my Moroccan friend?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Slow and steady said the turtle to the hare....."

Congrats on being back at work. Don't get too frustrated, in 6 months you'll be back at warp speed.
