Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Scrotch P. Nibley

Had an inspirational luncheon today with old-pal-of-mine and former band mate D. Bigelow from our Nation’s Capital. (Which by the way, is the home of Jack Layton’s “Happy Ending”. It’s also home to Tom Green, Leo Safari, and a staggering number of other above average humourists.) DB has this kinetic, crazy, creative vibe that makes you feel energized just being in the same room. He’s been instrumental in putting a number of things on the Comedy Network in the last few years, and is a happening guy. We kibitzed it up for a few hours, which of course gave me the opportunity to get caught up on the whereabouts of one Scrotch P. Nibley, who as you might guess is "relaxing". I ‘m well overdue to go East to the ‘613’ to reacquaint with the Ottawa contingent, and it’ll be grand to make the trip.

The mighty SNFU come to spread the word tomorrow night at the Reverb. Me and my baby you know – we got to go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heard he lost his hand firing up the stove and had a remote attached rather than a prosthetic ....