Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Arrested Development

I just went back to some patient stories on various sites and they’re just so sad, I think I need to navigate away for a while. I can’t believe my good fortune, and wonder do I owe this to karma? I think my slate is pretty clean, but how clean could it be? My complications are minimal and although I could list everything that’s wrong and how recovery is a slow process why bother. Listing the negatives is just a bummer all around.

Today is Day Seven on the steroids on the only side effect I’ve noticed is a penchant for the aforementioned Baci Ice Cream, and Clodhoppers from the Bulk Barn, not to mention flax, blueberries, strawberries, grapes, organic cereal, and sweet peppers. My taste buds haven’t been affected, and everything tastes good. (Insert Scottish Accent Here: "Tess is dune a good joab on mah belly.") I think I’ve maybe gained two pounds post-op, and this’ll certainly be dealt with as soon as I get back to the gym and correct that caloric balance.

I must be feeling better. I’ve already started obsessing about work!

Now Playing: “Dragonfly On Bay Street”
Ron Sexsmith

Onscreen: "Arrested Development"
Kudos to Jason and Eclipse - How did I miss this?

Written Word: "Porno" by Irvine Welsh followed by "Barney's Version" by Mordechai Richler


Mark2000 said...

Talking about the gym...

Susan, the mature lady in the first row on the left, from Tuesday nights, says hi. She didn't know about what happened, and it seems like most others there didn't either. I assured her you were doing better every day and she seemed happy. She told me to send her regards...

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mark, much appreciated.