Saturday, January 29, 2005

Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind

Yesterday was my first solo mission. Tess went to work for a couple of hours and I saw an opportunity to shoot the gap. My first 5K walk alone, just me and the other cadgers alone on an early Friday morning soft-pedaling our way through a frozen and white expanse, Mr. Canada Post crunching along as our only company.

I walked south to Danforth and west to the other side of Coxwell and back, taking side streets, and taking my time. Stop signs have become very important, as has looking both ways, and recognizing where those hulking SUV’s are. One of the downsides of only having one ear is that you lose sense of what direction the sound is coming from. Danforth was full of distraction and moving targets as usual, and made me feel dizzier, excellent exercise though it was. Good my gait is completely normal, although I felt and am feeling the world isn’t spinning, but is a little off center. I returned to the house feeling triumphant – I made it!

I took it easy for a while - it’s amazing how I’m used to start times for JAG so soon, and waited for Tess to come home. My number one beauty walked through the door and our next mission was to drive to Sunnybrook to pick up signed letters for disability ($35.00) and what appeared to be a synopsis of what occurred in the OR during surgery. Nice one, I’ll scan this in for your reading enjoyment, I’m sure you’ll be happy as I was to learn that I’m not a ‘bleeder’. (Editor’s Note - It says on the page that I’m 38, but of course I’m only 30, typos be damned.)

We took Luna to Sunnybrook Park for another 3.5K walk through the woods after this, and headed home to wait for Jason who was coming from Eclipse Fitness for a visit. Good times and a great visit, and I think he is feeling better. As I’ve said, the level of support that is coming from Eclipse is truly remarkable, and I’m so grateful to be working with the talent there, and to be part of Jason’s business family. He brought over a beautiful card and some amazing DVD’s to watch, and a snappy book about the History of Rock N’ Roll, lots to keep me busy.

Next on the task list was to head to the grocery for some fruit and organic milk, and over for some quick Vietnamese food before coming home to watch “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” tired, but not sleepy, not so “Moon Faced” as slightly “Chipmunk Cheeked”. I stopped taking my pain medication when I started the steroids, last Tuesday.

‘Clear’ is good.

1 comment:

John Lalley said...

The movie was great, and RM, I need an hour's notice if you're coming by, I need to put my face on! (Seriously, BR has the number and adress info.)

I've been off the pain meds since I started the Prednisone. The pain stopped on a dime. Yeah!