Friday, January 07, 2005

Why Wednesdays Are The Best Days For Neurosurgery

MONDAY -- Too much catching up on weekend activities and critiquing of last night’s episodes of "Arrested Development" and "Desperate Housewives" to properly focus on the task at hand.

TUESDAY -- The NHL lockout has led to Monday Night Football parties followed by a few hands of 'Texas Hold 'Em' - making for some "cloudy" judgments today.

WEDNESDAY -- The weekend is over, hangovers are gone and the waiting room coffee no longer contains last Friday's tepid brew.

THURSDAY -- Why be in the OR when one can be at home watching ER?

FRIDAY -- The accumulation of "fresh powder" leads the overzealous surgeon to bail early in an attempt to get to the Collingwood Chalet before the other Toronto socialites descend on the slopes. Kindly, a scribbled note on how to "finish up" is left on a Post-It Note for the resident intern who wonders "Where did those tiny scissors get to?"

By Erin N.


Anonymous said...

Don't pick Tuesdays because the Doc's gotta leave early to make it to the KFC "toonie tuesday" specials.

Anonymous said...

oops. that was me.

John Lalley said...

I have to get to Radio Shack to pick up a monaural ear bud. By the way, I wonder how soon I can drink a coffee after surgery? I'm sure my caffeine withdrawal headaches will be masked which is great because if there is one thing I can't stand, it's a caffeine withdrawal headache.

Kelly, nice choice with the Rufus. Music has always had an incredibly profound effect on my emotions however, so in the interest of avoiding any maudlin reaction, I think I'm going to keep it lite: