Thursday, January 27, 2005

Learning to Love Reality Television

I love the Idol.

The American Idol that is. Simon is nicer to people this year even they when they really suck, some of them are really asking for it. Gene Simmons said no to everyone who crossed his path, what a tough guy… I love the overweight, conventionally unattractive ones who can really sing, like that kid from New Orleans – they’re the ones who bring tears to my eye (s).

I say eye(s) because no matter how many conventionally unattractive singers I see, or onions I may slice, my right eye still isn’t tearing up the way it should. Over the counter eye drops are $18.00 a pop, and I’m already on my second bottle of Tears Naturale. Maybe I’ll ask Doctor Chen for a script for something cheaper, and a referral to the Ophthalmologist. By the way, I get my staples out today, all 17 in the head, and 11 in the abdomen. I created a list for the good doctor; right at the top is “when can I start shoveling the driveway?” The snow is really coming down this year, poor Tess. Hopefully, I’ll soon have a before/after CAT scan to post as well, and that’s also a request.

So far, no side effects from the steroids, none. No weight gain, and no moon face, fingers are crossed for the next eight days, whatever happens, no big deal. We went for a 5 kilometre walk yesterday - (3.1 miles for you Imperialists), which was great. I had some lunch followed by a quick nap. There is nothing like a visit to the Sandbox for some fresh perspective!

“For the things we have to learn before we do them, we learn by doing them.”

"Truer words were never spoken Lloyd, truer words were never spoken."
Jack Torrance to Lloyd the Bartender in The Shining


Anonymous said...

Hey John,

Onions make your eyes burn like hell. Try Refresh Liquigel. It is cheaper at under $12.00 a bottle at Food Basics or Wal-Mart. If you get a script from your doctor, I want his name. I figure I have dropped quite a few bucks on eye stuff since June 1st, 2004. I wouldn't mind if my plan picked up this cost.

Good idea about seeing an opthamologist. The clinics are loads of fun. Bring a good book because a 10 a.m. appoinmment means nothing. If you get in by 12 noon, it is a good day!!!

If you get an answer about the tear duct issue, let the rest of us know on the ANAC message board. My appointment down at TWH is not until March 3rd or if the clinic is running slow maybe March 4th. Ha! Ha!

I guess you won't be a Full Metal Man after today. Another milestone.


Anonymous said...

No "moonface"? That's a would indeed be a real pain to deal with a mug that is not only pitted with craters, but also completely vanishes every month!
