Sunday, January 23, 2005

Sundays Are Good Days To..

I hope when I said earlier that I "had no facial paralysis whatsoever" I wasn't speaking too soon. I guess I have some - but too little to be of any consequence. I hope it does'nt get any worse.

Good day today - A good walk round, a visit from Brian and Bianca, another walk with Tess and Luna (at the park) and a visit from Irene and Jack who brought some comfort food.

As I write, the pain turns nasty and heads south, and I need to take another painkiller. The best way I can describe this pain is by saying that it seizes my back and shoulders up and I can't think of anything else.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello there John.

Sounds like today wasn't a "banner" day. Hang in there.

Funny, I was just remembering this morning the horrible back pain I had post-op. Not ever previously experiencing back problems, I was totally not expecting that.

I remember phoning my family doctor at home one night bawling my eyes out because I couldn't make it stop. (she sure did though, don't know WHAT was in those little pills she brought over).

Never did understand where the back pain came from but it was excruciating.

But, it DID subside. Take the meds and try some relaxation techniques if you can. I had a physio come in and do some back massage on me, it helped too.

Call me if you need to.
